Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I'm Back!!!

So as anyone who knows me will tell you....I dissapear from time to time. I have however come back among the "on top of it women" and I'm now updating my blog. I will tell you that I have been away so long only because I have three children now, and it was more of an adjustment that I had anticipated. I am only NOW getting into what seems to be a schedule...and he's five months old.

These pictures are from a photo session we did for my parents 40th wedding anniversary. Cooper was just about three weeks old, and was the best for the event out of the three children. Cooper was born on June 10th at 8:00 am by yet again another c-section. He came out and wasn't breathing well, so there was some concern there, but about an hour after I got into my room, they said everything looked good and would bring him to me as soon as they could. Two and a half hours later I finally got to see my baby. That is a long time to make a mother wait, and I was not happy about it. Cooper was born on a week that was filled with rain...and flooding. It was perfect for me, because I got to sit in my room and stare out the window at the beautiful shade of green everything had turned, and I got to hold my Cooper and talk with him by myself.

Cooper is now five months old and is growing so much faster than my other two did. Not sleeping as well as they did, but he's growing. He started rolling over at 4 months old, and is almost crawling now, if he could figure out how to get his head off the floor at the same time his knees are moving. I don't know if it's because he's my last baby, or because he's so easy going, but he seems to be a little more patient with me, as I am with him.

Zoey is 2 and a half now, and she is ALL girl. I did not know that girls could be so tempermental. She can be the most loving child at times, and the most irratable the rest of the time. She is however the sweetest girl when it comes to giving her brothers and Kyle and I love. She loves to give kisses and then she will tell you how much you love kisses. She also LOVES to dance. This girl will dance to any form of music and loves to have the radio going most all of the day....just like mama! Our favorites to dance to are "I got a feeling" by the Blackeyed Peas, "Party in the USA" Miley Cyrus, and "You belong to me" Taylor Swift. I love my little girl and I can't wait to do all the fun GIRL things with her. She's got me and Kyle wrapped around her little finger.

Finally there's our little man Parker. He started Kindergarten in September and he has grown up before my eyes. He is SO stinking good at math. He loves numbers and figuring things out...just like his daddy! He loves his teacher and has become espically popular with the little girls in his class. I can already tell that I'm going to have to keep an eye out for these girls when he gets older, because if Parker is anything like his dad, he will be oblivious to the advances of the female persuassion.
We're looking forward to the holidays...and I'm looking forward to getting back into the swing of things and updating my blog more often!